Petition to Withdraw

To: Republican Presidential candidate Marco Rubio

In the Matter of: Ending Your Campaign

Whereas: You have lost all but one of the Republican primary and caucus elections since you entered the GOP Presidential field, and

Whereas: You are trailing far behind both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz in the number of pledged delegates to the Republican nominating convention in July, and

Whereas: Public opinion polls in your home state of Florida show you trailing Donald Trump by double digits in Florida’s crucial winner-take-all primary on March 15, and

Whereas: The time has come for the Republican establishment backing your campaign to halt its hopeless attempt to overcome the will of the majority of voters in the GOP Presidential race.

Therefore: In the interest of clearing the Republican field for a one-on-one matchup between anti-establishment candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, the conservative voter named below petitions you to withdraw at once from the 2016 Republican Presidential campaign.