conservative Catholics

Important Donation Reply

To Help Fund This Battle Plan to Win Back the House of Representatives, Increase Our Majority of U.S. Senators and Help Ensure the Reelection of President Trump in 2020 by Adding 3-4 Points to the Catholic Vote

Dear Richard,

Thank you for explaining that the Catholic vote is the largest bloc of swing voters in elections, and that whichever Presidential candidate wins a majority of the Catholic vote almost always wins the election.

I have read your letter and very much like your Battle Plan to help President Trump win reelection in 2020 by building on the 52.4% of the Catholic vote he won in 2016.

I share your view that if we can move the Catholic vote even 3% more in President Trump's direction in 2020 in the 17 key battleground states you are targeting, this will ensure his reelection victory by a big margin.

This will also allow us to win back control of the House and increase our conservative majority in the U.S. Senate.

I also agree with you that we cannot expect the Establishment Republican Campaign Committees (such as the REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE) to understand how to talk to Catholics persuasively or wage the kind of bare-knuckles brawling campaign required to defeat the Democrats and help elect more conservatives, including President Trump.

I have also reviewed your 58-year history of helping build the conservative movement – starting in the early 1960s when you pioneered political direct mail fundraising and direct marketing methods that allowed you and other conservatives to bypass the elite liberal news media and the Republican Establishment to help elect President Reagan in 1980, a Republican Congress in 1994, a Republican House again in 2010, a Republican Congress in 2014 and ultimately Donald Trump in 2016.

I want to help you do this again in 2020. To do my part to help fund this Battle Plan you have outlined in your letter, I am rushing you my very best gift of support in the amount of . . .

If you plan to mail in a gift, please write your donation check to: FedUp PAC

And mail to:
Richard A. Viguerie
Founder & Chairman
P.O. Box 1370
Manassas, VA 20108

P.S. I understand your plan (depending on your budget) includes using direct mail, email, booklets, mini books, videos (one, two and five minutes long), digital ads, pocket cards, etc. in 17 key battleground states to brand the Democrats as harmful, even dangerous, to the interests of Catholics, Evangelicals, Blacks, Hispanics, Millennials, etc.

Keep in mind, donations to FedUp PAC are not limited in amount and corporate contributions can be accepted. Donations are not tax deductible.

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