Postcard and Talking Points 2021 (Web)


Help FedUp PAC create the needed Momentum to Encourage Conservatives to Run in 2022 by Turning out Voters to Win Big in Virginia’s November 2nd Statewide Races


Dear Richard,

YES Richard, I agree, conservatives must be the leaders we are looking for to save America.

Thank you for producing and making available FedUp PAC’s powerful postcard and talking points strategy to BRAND Terry McAuliffe as toxic to registered  Virginia voters.

Here is a special gift to help FedUp PAC with its large advertising campaign to reach registered voters in Virginia to educate them that the Democrat party of Terry McAuliffe is the party that supports anti-God, anti-American, anti-police policy, open borders, Critical Race Theory, and a dangerous socialist/Marxist agenda of:

  • For a gift of $50 or more, you will receive a copy of my book America's Right Turn.
  • For a gift of $250 or more, I will send you autographed copies of both of my books, America's Right Turn - How Conservatives Used New and Alternative Media to Take Power and Conservatives Betrayed.


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