Donate To FedUp PAC 2023 (Web) (360)


5,000,000 conservative educating voters about the mean, evil, violent, anti-God, elitist Marxists

Dear Richard,

YES, I want to be part of the 5,000,000 Americans volunteering to rescue America by educating family, friends, neighbors, and others by BRANDING the Democrats as mean, evil, violent, anti-God, anti-America, elitist Marxists to make them toxic to voters.

I understand that as a volunteer Conservative Paul Revere (CPR) Rider that I will receive regular FedUp PAC materials for distribution at no cost to me.

And I want to help FedUp PAC activate more voters to join as CPR Riders with a Special Gift of:

For every $1 gift, FedUp PAC can reach about 20 voters in key Battleground States.  A $5 gift today will allow FedUp PAC to put the truth about the Democrats’ one-party Marxist dictatorship power grab into the hands of about 100 voters.

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