Conservatives Educating Low Information Voters in 10 Battleground States To Re-Elect President Trump and Elect a Conservative/Republican Congress
Yes, Richard I agree, your project to have millions of grassroots conservatives send articles, videos, e-books, voter pocket cards on key campaign issues, blogs, podcasts, etc. to their family, friends, neighbors, and others with news and information that is withheld from them by Big Media and Big Tech.
I agree that it will be a game changer when millions of grassroots conservatives educate 100,000,000+ low information voters.
Information received from someone you know is far more effective than ads on TV, radio, and other media.
I also agree that the ripple effect will be massive because many of the 100,000,000+ people receiving this conservative news and information will also want to share it with their family, friends, and neighbors—on and on will go the ripple effect.
I UNDERSTAND THAT FEDUP PAC IS THE ONLY CONSERVATIVE ORGANIZATION DOING THIS. So, if FedUp PAC doesn’t have the finances to move forward, this vitally important project won’t happen.
You can count on me to help re-elect President Trump and elect a Republican House & Senate. Here is my best gift of: